Support CFAAC's Community Leadership Efforts

Support the Community

Your annual support of CFAAC’s Community Leadership Fund allows CFAAC to respond quickly and effectively to the most pressing community needs and issues through changing times. We not only make grants to local nonprofits but also partner with them to help them achieve their programmatic goals and create real, lasting impact on individuals in our community. Together, we can invest in Anne Arundel County and ensure a brighter future for all.

Learn more about CFAAC’s Community Leadership

Fund for Anne Arundel

The Fund for Anne Arundel is dedicated to addressing a broad spectrum of needs within Anne Arundel County, enhancing the quality of life for all residents both now and in the future. This versatile fund supports a variety of community initiatives, from health and wellness programs to educational and cultural activities. It is designed to be responsive to emerging needs and opportunities, ensuring that resources are available to address critical issues as they arise. By investing in diverse projects and organizations, the Fund for Anne Arundel aims to create a more vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community.

Grants 4 Teachers

Grants 4 Teachers is a program specifically aimed at empowering educators within Anne Arundel County Public Schools by providing financial support for innovative classroom projects. These grants enable teachers to implement creative ideas that enhance student engagement and learning experiences. By funding these initiatives, Grants 4 Teachers encourages educators to think outside the box and develop unique approaches to teaching that can stimulate curiosity, foster a love of learning, and improve educational outcomes for students.

Help Our Neighbors

Help Our Neighbors is a critical support fund that aids local agencies in delivering urgent assistance to families in need. This fund focuses on addressing basic human necessities, such as food, shelter, clothing, and emergency financial assistance. By providing immediate relief to those facing crises, Help Our Neighbors plays a vital role in ensuring that vulnerable community members can access the essential resources they need to overcome difficult situations and work towards stability and self-sufficiency.

Strengthening Nonprofits

The Strengthening Nonprofits fund is dedicated to enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of nonprofit organizations within Anne Arundel County. This fund provides training and professional development opportunities in key areas such as fundraising, nonprofit management, board development, marketing, and communications. By investing in the skills and knowledge of nonprofit professionals, volunteers, and board members, this fund helps organizations operate more efficiently, achieve their missions more effectively, and make a greater impact in the community.

Community Crisis Response Fund

The Community Crisis Response Fund offers flexible financial assistance to nonprofits in Anne Arundel County during times of crisis, such as violent incidents, natural disasters, or other emergencies. This fund is designed to provide immediate support, enabling organizations to respond quickly to urgent needs and stabilize the community. The Community Crisis Response Fund ensures that nonprofits have the resources they need to help residents recover and rebuild in the aftermath of a crisis.

Women and Girls Fund

The Women and Girls Fund is focused on supporting initiatives that empower women and girls facing significant challenges, including poverty, disability, domestic violence, and lack of access to resources. This fund supports projects that develop individual skills, reduce isolation, create new experiences, and enhance the overall well-being of women and girls. By addressing these critical issues, the fund aims to foster self-sufficiency, confidence, and opportunities for women and girls to thrive and contribute to their communities.

Environment Anne Arundel

Established in 2014, the Environment Anne Arundel Fund supports nonprofit organizations dedicated to protecting and improving the natural environment within Anne Arundel County and the Chesapeake Bay. This fund focuses on initiatives such as conservation, environmental education, sustainable practices, and habitat restoration. By investing in these efforts, Environment Anne Arundel aims to preserve the county’s natural beauty, promote ecological health, and ensure that future generations can enjoy a clean and vibrant environment.

Arts and Culture Fund

The Arts and Culture Fund is designed to provide access to and opportunities for underserved individuals and families to engage in a wide range of artistic and cultural activities. This fund supports initiatives that offer participation in performing, visual, fine, decorative, and folk arts, as well as literature and language programs. By making arts and culture more accessible, the fund enriches the lives of community members, fosters creativity and cultural appreciation, and helps to build a more inclusive and dynamic community.

Open a Fund

With a single gift to CFAAC, you can establish a fund tailored to support the causes closest to your heart. This fund can be personalized to reflect your philanthropic vision, offering flexibility in how and when you contribute. As a 501(c)(3) organization, your contribution to CFAAC qualifies for an immediate tax deduction, allowing you to make a gift when it is most financially beneficial to you. You can also add to your fund at any time and in any amount, ensuring your philanthropic efforts grow alongside your evolving interests and goals.

Open a Fund

Types of Funds

Donor/Corporate Advised Fund (Endowed and Non-Endowed)

A Donor/Corporate Advised Fund allows individuals or corporate donors to have a hands-on role in their charitable giving. Donors make contributions to the fund, which are then invested, and they can recommend grants from the fund to support their favorite causes. There are two types:

Endowed Funds: The principal donation is kept intact and invested, with only the investment income being used for grants. This ensures a long-term impact and provides a perpetual source of funding for charitable causes.

Non-Endowed Funds: Both the principal and investment income can be used for grants, offering greater flexibility for immediate needs and allowing donors to see the impact of their contributions more quickly.

Field of Interest Fund

A Field of Interest Fund allows donors to support a specific area of community life, ensuring that their contributions are directed towards issues they care deeply about. Donors define a broad area of interest, such as arts and culture, youth, education, environment, health, or wellness. The Community Foundation then uses its expertise to identify and fund the most effective programs and organizations within that area, ensuring that the donor’s intent is honored and impactful.

Designated Fund

A Designated Fund is established by a donor to support one or more specific nonprofit organizations or purposes. This type of fund allows donors to ensure ongoing support for causes or institutions that are important to them, such as a particular scholarship program, a specific nonprofit organization, or other charitable activities. The Community Foundation manages the fund, providing a steady and reliable source of income to the designated entities, which helps them sustain and grow their operations.

Nonprofit Agency Endowment Fund

A Nonprofit Agency Endowment Fund is created by a nonprofit organization’s board of directors to provide a sustainable source of funding for the organization’s programs or operations. The fund’s principal is invested, and the income generated is used to support the nonprofit’s mission. This type of fund helps ensure long-term financial stability, allowing the nonprofit to plan for the future and continue its work even during economic downturns or funding shortfalls.

Unrestricted Fund

An Unrestricted Fund gives the Community Foundation the greatest flexibility to address the most pressing and ever-changing needs of the community. Donations to this type of fund are not earmarked for a specific purpose, allowing CFAAC to allocate resources where they are needed most. This could include responding to emergencies, funding innovative projects, or addressing gaps in community services. The flexibility of unrestricted funds enables the Community Foundation to adapt quickly to new challenges and opportunities.

Scholarship Fund

A Scholarship Fund is designed to support educational pursuits, helping students achieve their academic goals. Donors can tailor the fund to specific types of awards, such as merit-based or need-based scholarships, or designate it for students attending particular institutions or studying certain fields. Alternatively, the fund can be broad in scope, providing financial assistance to a wide range of students. Scholarship funds help reduce financial barriers to education, enabling students to pursue their dreams and contribute to their communities.

Join or Start a Giving Circle

A giving circle, such as Anne Arundel Women Giving Together, is a collaborative approach to philanthropy where a group of individuals come together to pool their financial resources and collectively decide how to allocate these funds to support local nonprofit organizations. Members of a giving circle share a common interest in making a positive impact on their community. By combining their donations, they can provide more substantial support than they might individually.

Community Engagement: Giving circles focus on specific issues or causes, fostering deeper community involvement, a shared sense of purpose and collective impact.

Educational Opportunities: Members participate in educational sessions to learn about community needs, effective philanthropic strategies, and local nonprofits, enabling members to make informed decisions.

Networking and Collaboration: Giving circles connect like-minded individuals who are passionate about philanthropy and community service, allowing them to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on initiatives.

Anne Arundel Women Giving Together – A Component Fund of CFAAC
This giving circle is a group of women who pool their resources to make grants that support nonprofit groups in Anne Arundel County. They engage in educational activities to understand better the issues impacting women, children, and families in their community.

Develop Your Philanthropic Gift Planning Strategy

Creating a strategic approach to your charitable giving can help you maximize the impact of your donations and ensure that your philanthropic goals are achieved. Developing a philanthropic gift planning strategy involves careful consideration of your values, interests, and financial situation, as well as the needs of the community.

Legacy Planning: Establishing a legacy fund allows you to leave a lasting impact on the causes you care about. You can work with CFAAC and your professional advisor to set up a fund that specifies which nonprofits you want to support and how you want your contributions to be used. This planning ensures that your charitable intentions are honored even after your lifetime.

Tax Benefits: By making a charitable gift to or through CFAAC, a 501(c)(3) organization, you may qualify for an immediate tax deduction. Your professional advisor can help you understand the tax implications and optimize the timing and structure of your contributions.

Flexible Giving Options: You can establish a fund that allows you to make contributions at times that are financially advantageous for you. You can also add to your fund over time, ensuring that your philanthropic efforts evolve alongside your interests and financial capacity.

Customized Support: Whether you want to support a specific cause, create a scholarship fund, or establish an endowment, CFAAC can provide personalized support to help you design a giving plan that reflects your values and priorities.


By developing a strategic approach to your philanthropy, you can make a more significant and lasting impact on the causes that matter most to you. Here are some additional considerations that can help you create a thoughtful plan:

  • Identify Your Philanthropic Goals: Reflect on the issues and causes that you are most passionate about. Consider what kind of impact you want to make and what specific outcomes you hope to achieve.
  • Research Nonprofits: Investigate organizations that align with your values and goals. Look for nonprofits that have a proven track record of success and transparency in their operations.
  • Consult Professionals: Work with financial advisors, tax professionals, and estate planners who can provide expert advice on how to structure your giving in a way that maximizes both the impact of your contributions and the financial benefits to you.
  • Choose the Right Type of Fund: Decide whether you want to establish an endowed fund (which provides long-term support) or a non-endowed fund (which allows for more immediate impact). Consider other fund options like Field of Interest Funds, Designated Funds, and Scholarship Funds based on your specific goals.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the impact of your giving and adjust your strategy as needed. Stay informed about the community and the evolving needs of the nonprofits you support.
  • Engage Family and Community: Involve your family in your philanthropic planning by sharing your values and ensuring your legacy of giving continues. Collaborate with other donors and community members to amplify the impact of your contributions.


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