Eligibility Criteria

Nomination Process and Tips for Writing a Great Narrative

Wednesday, October 30th
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Live! Casino Hotel Maryland®
7002 Arundel Mills Cir #7777, Hanover, MD 21076

Eligibility Criteria

All nominees must:

  • Be a resident of Anne Arundel County
  • Have a demonstrated track record of charitable giving to one or more nonprofit organizations based in and working in Anne Arundel County
  • Have made a positive impact in the lives of county residents through their giving
  • Encourage/motivate others to become philanthropic

Nomination Process

Nominations must be submitted online. To access the application and submit a nomination, you will need to create a user account HERE. If you have any questions about the nomination process or have any difficulties with submitting your nomination, please contact Jennifer Lagrotteria, Director of Philanthropic Resources by emailing jen@cfaac.org or call 410-280-1102 ext. 102.

  • Self-nominations are not permitted. For the category of Young Volunteer of the Year, parents are not permitted to nominate their child(ren).
  • Nominees will receive notification from CFAAC upon receipt of the nomination form. The letter will include information on the selection process.
  • A selection committee of CFAAC board, staff, and past recipients, which include philanthropists, volunteers, local nonprofit, business, and community leaders will review all nominations and select the awardee.
  • Following the selection, and prior to the public announcement, nominees will receive a letter notifying them of the results.
  • All nominators will receive confirmation that the nomination has been submitted within 24 hours of receipt. The Community Foundation will contact the selected awardee(s) and their nominator in September.
  • If your nominee is selected, we will request your assistance in obtaining photographs and biographical information for publicity purposes.

Tip for Writing a Great Nomination Narrative:

  • Provide specific examples that address the award description and elaborate on why the nominee’s accomplishments are worthy of the award.
  • Describe how others regard the nominee. Consider mentioning major awards and/or the nominee’s community efforts.
  • Include the results and/or impact of the gift/support.
  • Be thorough in including all organizations that benefit from the nominee’s efforts. This will enable the selection committee to fully understand the nominee’s involvement in the community and breadth of impact.
  • Share the big picture – collaborate with other individuals and organizations to tell your nominee’s story.
  • Determine who can write the best letters of support (ex. Letter from a nonprofit that is served by the nominee).
  • Talk with your nominee, their family, and friends. Collect as much information as possible.
  • Want to strengthen your application? Ask Jennifer Lagrotteria, Director of Philanthropic Resources, for suggestions on strengthening your nomination application at jen@cfaac.org.
  • Team up with other organizations to nominate someone and fill out the application—gather letters of support with them to make it stronger.


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