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Type of Fund: 
Scholarship Funds
The Lance Corporal Eric William Herzberg and Lance Corporal William Taylor Wild IV Scholarship (Herzberg-Wild Scholarship) was established at CFAAC by anonymous donors to honor two fallen Marines, Eric W. Herzberg and Taylor Wild IV, who were both Anne Arundel County residents. Both were proud U.S. Marines who dedicated their lives to protecting and defending our country. Eric joined the Marine Corps right after graduation. He was killed in action in Al Anbar, Iraq on October 21, 2006. Taylor deployed to both Afghanistan and Kuwait. He died in a mortar explosion during a training exercise at Hawthorne Army Depot on March 18, 2013. Annually since 2014, scholarships have been awarded to graduating Anne Arundel County Public High School students who exhibit the Marine Corps values of Honor, Courage and Commitment; the ability to persist in the face of significant personal obstacles; and the ability to provide quiet leadership in their school and in their community. Scholarship recipients are eligible for reapplication for one consecutive year pending successful academic progress. Eligible education expenses include tuition, fees, books, equipment and/or tools associated with a specific academic or trades training program.
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Herzberg Wild Scholarship Fund