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Risk Management for Nonprofits

Risk management is the practice of continual identification of and response to analysis of current and potential risks for your organization. This session will go deeper into financial risk issues, including cash flow projections, internal controls, and overhead (indirect costs). Areas of concern for grants compliance and management will be reviewed with recommendations for further steps each organization can take to minimize risk exposure.

Risk management is crucial for nonprofits just as it is for any other type of organization. Nonprofits face unique challenges that can impact their operations, financial stability, and reputation. Specifically, this session would address defining a plan to include (but not limited to):

  • Financial Sustainability: Nonprofits often rely on donations, grants, and fundraising to operate. Fluctuations in funding sources or an over-reliance on a single source can jeopardize financial stability.
  • Compliance and Legal Risks: Nonprofits must adhere to various regulations, including tax laws, employment laws, and industry-specific regulations. Failure to comply can result in fines, loss of tax-exempt status, or legal liabilities.
  • Governance and Leadership: Effective governance is essential for nonprofits. Poor leadership, lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, and weak board oversight can undermine the organization's credibility and impact.
  • Reputation Management: Nonprofits rely heavily on their reputation to attract donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Negative publicity, ethical lapses, or controversies can damage the organization's image and hinder its ability to fulfill its mission.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Nonprofits handle sensitive donor information, beneficiary data, and other confidential information. Data breaches can lead to financial losses, legal liabilities, and loss of trust.
  • Cybersecurity: With increasing reliance on technology, nonprofits are vulnerable to cyber threats such as hacking, phishing, and ransomware attacks, which can disrupt operations and compromise sensitive data.
  • Resource Management: Efficient use of resources, including time, money, and personnel, is crucial. Poor resource management can lead to inefficiencies, project failures, and inability to achieve objectives.
  • Programmatic Risks: Nonprofits must ensure that their programs and services align with their mission and effectively meet the needs of their beneficiaries. Inadequate planning, monitoring, and evaluation can result in wasted resources and decreased impact.
  • Volunteer and Staff Management: Nonprofits often rely on volunteers and staff to carry out their activities. Inadequate recruitment, training, and management of these individuals can lead to performance issues, conflicts, and legal challenges.
  • Natural Disasters and External Events: Nonprofits should consider the potential impact of natural disasters, economic downturns, or other external events on their operations and ability to provide services.
  • Dependency on Key Personnel: Relying heavily on a few key individuals, such as founders or executive directors, can create a risk if their sudden departure disrupts the organization's continuity.
  • Collaboration and Partnership Risks: Nonprofits often collaborate with other organizations, and these partnerships can introduce risks related to differing goals, cultures, and expectations.
  • Lack of Diversity and Inclusion: Failure to promote diversity and inclusion within the organization can lead to issues related to equity, representation, and community engagement.
  • Insurance Coverage: Nonprofits should assess their insurance coverage to ensure they are adequately protected against various risks, including liability, property damage, and employee-related claims.
  • Political and Regulatory Changes: Changes in government policies or regulations can impact the operating environment and funding sources for nonprofits.

This program is open to all nonprofits and the fee is $25.* Parking is free. *Scholarships are available for nonprofits who want to attend but need financial assistance.

Presenter Valencia Warnock King, Maryland Nonprofits Consultant

Valencia Warnock King Headshot

Passionate about driving positive change and making a lasting impact, Valencia Warnock King is an accomplished nonprofit leader and consultant with a proven track record of transforming vision into reality. As a nonprofit leader, she brings over two decades of extensive experience in organizational strategy, operational excellence, and stakeholder engagement. Her commitment to social causes fuels her drive to create sustainable solutions that address the most pressing challenges of our time.

By building robust infrastructures, cultivating talent, and fostering a culture of innovation, Valencia seeks to empower organizations to achieve their full potential in creating lasting, positive change for those they serve.  Her empathetic leadership style empowers diverse teams, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and open communication, believing that the collective strength of a united workforce is essential for achieving long-term sustainability.  She is committed to working hand-in-hand with dedicated individuals and teams to turn charitable aspirations into reality, inspire change, and create sustainable solutions to community challenges.


This program is a part of CFAAC Community Impact Speaker Series for Nonprofit Capacity-Building and is made possible thanks to the generous funding of Andrew and Leslie Price. Events in this series include: Strategic Planning for NonprofitsStrategic Partnership/Corporate IntegrationRisk ManagementDonor database and Financial Management SystemsExecutive Director Supervisory Skills, Managing for Mutual Success; and Board Governance/Innovative Board Recruiting.  

Register Here

September 26, 2023

Location | CFAAC Office Commons Annex
Time | 10:00am to 12:00pm

September 26 - 10:00AM


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