People eating food at neighborhood party
July 5, 2023
Volunteers are the Heartbeat of a Community’s Nonprofits

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” — Author Unknown

Where would our community be without volunteers? Think of the parents who help out at local schools, the people who stock shelves and hand out food at county food banks and shelters and the people who volunteer their time to local nonprofit boards, programs and events.

Volunteers are the heartbeat of many of our community’s nonprofits. These nonprofits rely on volunteers day in and day out to achieve their missions. In turn, communities rely on the nonprofits. It’s a circle of kindness that can help make our county better for everyone.

It’s no secret that communities benefit significantly by volunteerism. A Habitat for Humanity Evidence Brief states that people who formally volunteer at a nonprofit, are “more likely to help neighbors and friends, foster a greater sense of connection and identity for a community as a whole … volunteering can help strengthen low-income and under-resourced communities by building social networks.”

Volunteering can also foster resilience in communities. Just look at what happened during the pandemic — we saw nonprofits banding together with community members across the nation to help others by handing out food, raising funds and transporting supplies.

Between September 2020-2021, there were more than 60.7 million American volunteers in organizations, contributing approximately $122.7 billion in economic value, according to AmeriCorps statistics. During that same time period, nearly 51% of Americans or 124.7 million people informally helped neighbors.

Volunteers save nonprofits time, provide much-needed expertise and help save on operational costs. The current national value of each volunteer hour is nearly $32; the value in Maryland is $34 (2022). Without volunteers, many nonprofits wouldn’t be able to conduct programs, raise funds or serve others.

However, the benefits of volunteerism aren’t all quantifiable. The value of volunteerism is also intangible and powerful. It cultivates connection, strengthens ties and fosters new ideas.

And for those who volunteer, it provides numerous benefits — benefits such as developing leadership, social and professional skills. Volunteering can also help people get out of their comfort zone, provide a sense of purpose and promote happiness.

We all know that philanthropy — the giving of time, talent and money — can impact a community in so many ways. Yet, often acts of philanthropy go unacknowledged.

That’s why every year, the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) recognizes these unsung heroes at its annual Celebration of Philanthropy Awards Luncheon. It’s a way for everyone in the community to recognize and reward those who continue to make a difference in Anne Arundel County.

I bet everyone knows someone in their community who does so much and asks for little or nothing in return. Maybe there’s someone who works beside you as a volunteer or someone you see working consistently to make a difference.

Maybe you know of a local business that encourages employees to volunteer or continually raises funds for a local nonprofit. Perhaps you know someone who gives freely of their time and money to help a deserving nonprofit. Wouldn’t it be nice to honor these dedicated community members by nominating them for a Celebration of Philanthropy Award?

CFAAC is looking for nominees in eight categories. The nominees should be community-minded people and organizations that lead by example, inspire others with their kindness and charity and make a difference in the lives of others. In ways both large and small, they look beyond themselves to make Anne Arundel County stronger for every resident.

If you know an individual, a group of people or a local business whose commitment and selflessness have made a noteworthy difference in Anne Arundel County, simply visit and nominate them.

This year, CFAAC’s Celebration of Philanthropy Award Luncheon will be Nov. 17 at LIVE! Casino Hotel Maryland. It’s going to be a special event as CFAAC recognizes extraordinary individuals and organizations, and also celebrates our 25th anniversary of inspiring philanthropy in the community. Find out more at

Mary Spencer is president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County. The CFAAC is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3), publicly supported philanthropic organization with the long-term goal of building permanent funds that provide support to local nonprofit organizations through grants and special projects. Our mission is to inspire and promote giving in Anne Arundel County by connecting people who care with causes that matter. Established in 1998, CFAAC is one of the largest funders of nonprofit organizations in Anne Arundel County. CFAAC distributes $4 to $6 million annually.

This story was originally printed in the June 19, 2023 edition of the CAPITAL GAZETTE.


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