People eating food at neighborhood party
November 11, 2020
Grants 4 Teachers Awards 9 Grants in Recent Cycle

Teachers have had to face undeniable obstacles over the past year – keeping kids engaged in a classroom is tough enough and now that many schools have turned to remote and hybrid learning, it’s even more challenging. To help teachers create an engaging learning environment, CFAAC awarded nine grants in this cycle. 

The purpose of the CFAAC Grants 4 Teachers program is to fund highly creative ideas that would otherwise be impossible due to school system funding constraints. Under the circumstances of the pandemic, this grant is meant to help fund teachers' ideas to stimulate and inspire our students learning in the virtual and hybrid environments. The Grants 4 Teachers grants committee awards grants ranging from a minimum of $100 to a maximum of $500. 

Nine programs received grants in this cycle and ranged from elementary to high school projects as follows:

  • Anne Arundel Public Schools, Chesapeake Regional Association of Student Councils for its “Let’s Talk Justice: Student Stories … Student Voices” virtual book studies program. The initiative is two-fold – to increase student dialogue about history and social justice and boost desire to read for pleasure. The grant will be used to purchase copies of books that discuss social issues.
  • Center of Applied Technology North for disposable face shields for hybrid learning. The Center is bringing students back  to school using a hybrid model of instruction. Students will be in two groups – in person half the days and distance e-learning the other days. The face shields will be used in the shop area where it is hard to maintain six feet social distance.
  • Ferndale Early Education Center to provide 90 Pre-K students subscriptions to Scholastic’s My Big World digital and paper learning magazine. Teachers can use this with students to expand and build upon learning goals and objectives during virtual and classroom learning.
  • George Cromwell Elementary School for resources needed to perform FROZEN Jr this year including choreographer for online dance rehearsals, digital scripts, and streaming rights.
  • Hebron Harman Elementary School to provide cushioned foldable chairs needed for its Library Media Center. This will help the school accommodate classes that range in size from 16- 26 students, so they don’ have to rotate use of chairs.
  • Manor View Elementary School to increase students’ access to books from home by expanding the school library eBook collection to become part of the school’s permanent collection. This collection will provide students on-the-go access to literature even after it is safe to return to the classroom.
  • Marley Middle School to purchase additional fitness equipment for students’ use in new fitness center, in order to increase the ability to social distancing and increase the number of students who can participate in an activity. The fitness equipment includes dumbbell weights, exercise bands , box jumps, and other equipment.
  • North Glen Elementary School for digital download of Avatar: The Last Airbender, an animated educational television series and art supplies to supplement post-viewing activities. This will be part of a 10-week virtual afterschool program to help students engage in critical thinking through the lens of media literacy by discussion and activities related to the animated program.
  • Tyler Heights Elementary School to provide books to prekindergarten students and their siblings as part of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Students will be sent one book a month, along with parent suggestions on how to share the book with their children. This will help low-income children learn basic literacy skills.

A gift made in support of Grants 4 Teachers will help Anne Arundel County Public Schoool teachers fund highly creative ideas that would otherwise be impossible due to school system funding constraints. Those wishing to contribute can:

  • Make a secure, tax-deductible online donation through
  • Mail a check payable to “CFAAC” with “Grants 4 Teachers” in the memo line to: 900 Bestgate Road, Ste. 400, Annapolis, MD, 21401.


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