People eating food at neighborhood party
Blog, Community Connector
September 9, 2020


A Message from our President & CEO Mary Spencer
Celebration of Philanthropy goes "Virtual"

Welcome to CFAAC
Crosby Foundation Grants $75,000 to local nonprofits, including CFAAC 

CFAAC has granted $260,000+ in Community Crisis Response Relief
Community Crisis Response Fund Cycle 6 Grant Application Opens September 7
Support Help Our Neighbors

Women and Girls Fund is Now Accepting Applications
Environment Anne Arundel Fund is Now Accepting Applications
CFAAC Grants 4 Teachers Now Accepting Applications
Help Our Neighbors Grant Now Accepting Applications
Community Grants
Partner Events

Advising clients on starting a charity
Weeding out taxpayers who abuse conservation tools
IRS speaks out on cybersecurity


A Message from our President & CEO Mary Spencer

There are a lot of great things happening at CFAAC. For one, we are now fully staffed. Our strengthened team, dedicated to our mission to serve Anne Arundel County residents, is working harder than ever to help our community deal with the impact of COVID-19 as well as continue our grantmaking.

Our new Director of Gift Planning Claudia Cunningham will be spending the next few months connecting with fundholders, to ensure that we are providing the support they need to fulfill their philanthropic and financial goals. She also will be reaching out to partner with our county's professional advisors as they work with their clients to establish charitable giving plans.

We had an impressive collection of nominations submitted for our 20th annual Celebration of Philanthropy, reminding us of the incredible work being accomplished by so many in our county. While our Celebration of Philanthropy Awards will not take place in-person this year, we are confident that our honorees and community alike will experience and enjoy this important event as much as ever. It is our goal to make sure the community learns about the amazing work taking place to support our residents – no matter how we celebrate.

CFAAC has spent countless hours as grantmakers ensuring that our donors and fundholders are connected to local nonprofits that provide critical services to our community. However, as a nonprofit ourselves, we must also rely on the generosity of donors to make sure that we continue our important role in the community. We hope that our individual, foundation, and corporate donors will consider a gift to support our Celebration of Philanthropy Awards and our Community Leadership Circle Annual Appeal this fall.

We are so proud of our work as we watch our community come together, stronger than ever.

Mary Spencer
President & CEO

CFAAC Celebrates 20 years of Philanthropy with 20 Awards on November 5

CFAAC's Celebration of Philanthropy Awards celebrates philanthropy in our community and the individuals, businesses, and foundations who demonstrate outstanding generosity and community leadership.

For 20 years, CFAAC  has recognized and honored community members, who are making a difference. This year's anniversary creates a special opportunity to highlight and honor an increased number of generous and committed citizens, who represent the depth and breadth of philanthropy in our county, creating a sense of belonging for all. In addition to its tradition of honoring five community philanthropists and volunteers, CFAAC has added 15 new categories, creating 20 awards to commemorate the 20th year.

Due to COVID-19 social distancing and gathering restrictions, the November 5, 2020 award ceremony will be held virtually. We need your support now more than ever!

Celebration of Philanthropy Sponsors will have the opportunity to promote their business to our community’s most invested and generous residents. Sponsors will be featured in all publicity, both prior to and during the virtual event, including video, website, social media, and print materials.

In addition, sponsorships include year-long recognition through CFAAC's marketing and public relations efforts, prominent website visibility, inclusion in CFAAC's monthly newsletters, social media posts, invitations to special events, and more.

If you have questions please call Amy Francis at 410.280.1102 or email

Become a Celebration of Philanthropy Sponsor


Welcome to CFAAC

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County is thrilled to welcome the following to our family of funds:

  • Londontowne Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund- An Agency Fund, created to provide long-term support for Londontowne Symphony Orchestra and its mission.
  • Ronald and Jeanne Uhl Family Donor Advised Fund- A Donor Advised Fund, created through a legacy gift, to support the philanthropic interests of the Uhl Family including scientific research and education in the areas of Addictions, Parkinson's Disease, Restless Legs Syndrome, and Dementias.

Crosby Foundation Grants $75,000 to local nonprofits, including CFAAC  

To help local families, children and communities hit hard by COVID-19, the owners of Crosby Marketing Communications have granted $75,000 to support the work of three local nonprofits, including CFAAC.

The Crosby Foundation, a corporate advised fund at CFAAC, awarded three grants of $25,000 each to the Anne Arundel County Food Bank, Light House Homeless Prevention Support Center for its Safe Harbor Program, and the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County's Community Crisis Response Fund.

“Too many families in our community are struggling like never before as this pandemic stretches on,” said Crosby Marketing President Raymond Crosby. “Members of the Crosby team are passionate about making a difference, and we hope these donations spread some hope and comfort to our neighbors in need.”

This $75,000 in grants follows $50,000 that the Crosby Foundation distributed in April to local nonprofits. 


CFAAC Community Crisis Response Fund awards $42,000 in Cycle 5 to Anne Arundel County’s nonprofit community, totaling $260,000 during pandemic

“Our local nonprofits are on the front lines assisting our community and the Foundation’s Community Crisis Response Fund is continuing its efforts to help them help others,” said Mary Spencer, President & CEO of the CFAAC. “We realize that the individuals and families our county nonprofits serve are struggling even more as the pandemic continues. Quickly approving grants is paramount to us so that organizations like Downtown Hope (pictured above) can provide almost immediate relief during these challenging times.”

This latest grantmaking provided funding for organizations to purchase and distribute food and essential items to maintain safe and healthy environments, as well as provide assistance to Anne Arundel County residents who are facing housing insecurity and homelessness. Click here to learn more about the 5th cycle grantees.

Community Crisis Response Fund Cycle 6 opens Monday, September 7th 

The number of people affected by the COVID-19 virus in Anne Arundel County has continued to grow, and for some, the effects have been dire. Through its Community Crisis Response Fund, CFAAC will continue to assist local nonprofits addressing the increase in community needs and demand for services as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Grants will be made in the following impact areas: food security, support for basic human needs, and housing insecurity and homelessness.

Grant application deadline for Cycle 6 is Friday, September 18th at 6:00 p.m.

Community Crisis Response Fund - Learn More

Helping Our Neighbors in Need

The CFAAC Help Our Neighbors Fund was created in 2008 to help provide a safety net for the most vulnerable in Anne Arundel County. The fund assists with living expenses like rent, utilities, fees for transportation to work or car repair, or for essential medication and medical care to return to or maintain health. While the COVID-19 crisis has greatly expanded this type of need, there are many residents of the county who are simply one paycheck away from financial disaster regardless of the pandemic. A gift to the Help Our Neighbors Fund can help a family find the short term stability they need for long term security. As one recipient wrote:

“Dear Community Foundation, I wanted to say thank you for your gift of a new beginning.  By helping me with my rent I am now able to stay in my home and proceed with my GED and finding a new job. There has been a huge weight lifted off my heart and soul because I know now there are still good people in the world.” 

Donate to the Help Our Neighbors Fund


CFAAC Women and Girls Fund is Now Accepting Applications

Grants from the Women and Girls Fund will be used to support nonprofits that help women and girls pursue positive, productive lives by helping remove barriers, increasing their economic security, enhancing their well-being and safety, and empowering them to make positive life decisions for themselves and their families.

The Women and Girls Fund will award one or two $3000 to $5000 grants, based on available funding. Grants will be made to non-profit organizations working to improve the lives of vulnerable women and girls living in Anne Arundel through:

  • Education
  • Expanding Opportunities
  • Health and Wellness

The grant application deadline is September 15, 2020.

Women & Girls Fund - Learn More & Apply

CFAAC Environment Anne Arundel Fund is Now Accepting Applications

CFAAC Environment Anne Arundel Fund, established in 2014, supports Anne Arundel County nonprofit organizations working to protect and improve the environment in Anne Arundel County and the Chesapeake Bay.

Successful grant applicants will support projects that improve and green communities, address environmental issues such as stormwater, and/or increase student awareness and involvement in the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay, local streams and rivers, and other natural areas. Local nonprofits, including schools operating in Anne Arundel County, will be eligible to apply for these funds.

The Environment Anne Arundel Fund will award one or two $3000 to $5000 grants, based on available funding. Applications should demonstrate the non-profits’ ability to 

  • educate the public on protecting the natural environment,
  • raise awareness of the impact of public and private actions on the natural environment,
  • engage citizens to help improve and protect the natural environment.

The grant application deadline is September 15, 2020.

Environment Anne Arundel Fund - Learn More & Apply

CFAAC Grants 4 Teachers Application is Now Accepting Applications

The purpose of the CFAAC Grants 4 Teachers program is to fund highly creative ideas that would otherwise be impossible due to school system funding constraints. Under the circumstances of the pandemic, this grant is meant to help fund teachers' ideas to stimulate and inspire our students learning in the virtual environment.

The Grants 4 Teachers grants committee awards grants ranging from a minimum of $100 to a maximum of $500. Applications are due on September 30, 2020. 

Grants 4 Teachers - Learn More

CFAAC Help Our Neighbors Grant is Now Accepting Applications

CFAAC's Help Our Neighbors Fund supports local nonprofits working with Anne Arundel County's most vulnerable community members. The fund was established in 2008 to assist with basic living expenses such as paying rent to prevent eviction, utilities to prevent shut-off, fees for transportation to work or car repair, or for essential medication and medical care to return to or maintain health. CFAAC will be attentive to differences within populations experiencing emergency needs due to COVID-19 and those who are at a heightened risk for or are experiencing long-term housing, employment, and food insecurity. Applications are due on September 30, 2020.

Help Our Neighbors - Learn More

Community Grants

Rotary Club of Annapolis Offers Grants from Crab Feast
Funds from the Annapolis Rotary Club’s annual Crab Feast, held this year as Rotary Crabs To Go, are available to Annapolis-area charitable organizations serving the community. The deadline for applications is Saturday, October 10, 2020. Learn more at

Partner Events

Anne Arundel Women Giving Together Grants Showcase | September 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM via Zoom 

This evening will provide an inspiring opportunity to understand the real impact of Anne Arundel Women Giving Together's (AAWGT) grantmaking. AAWGT invites you to join them and invite your friends to learn about the outstanding nonprofits in Anne Arundel County and the work they're doing to improve the quality of life for women and families. The webinar is free and open to the public. Register and learn more at

Change for AAWGT Grant Applicant Training 

In the interest of better serving the Anne Arundel County nonprofit community, AAWGT is moving the grant applicant training forward from January 2021 to late October/early November of this year. The earlier date allows applicants more time to identify and correct any issues or problems that come to light in the training, giving them a better chance to qualify for a grant in 2021. After evaluating past grant years, AAWGT realized that many small and/or new applicant organizations needed more help in formalizing their organization as a Maryland recognized nonprofit or more time to prepare their applications so that they were better able to qualify for a grant. The focus of the training will not change, only the date of when it will be offered. The training will be via Zoom Webinar. Once the details have been finalized, the announcement will be posted on the AAWGT website: and widely disseminated. Registration will be available at that time.


Advising clients on starting a charity
As 2020 marches on with little relief in sight from crises affecting our region, more attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors are fielding questions from well-intended clients who are thinking about starting their own nonprofits to help people in need. 

Whether a client's passion is health care access, support for the arts, social justice, or any one of hundreds of other worthy causes, it's critical that you provide counsel regarding the pros and cons of forming a new nonprofit. Read more on our blog for professional advisors for suggested topics to include in your client discussions.

Weeding out taxpayers who abuse conservation tools

As environmental consciousness continues to rise, so does the subject of conservation easements as a tax-savvy charitable giving tool. Perhaps your clients have explored this vehicle, which involves the client giving up certain rights to the ability to alter a tract of land, with the intent to preserve the land indefinitely. The reason this transaction creates a charitable gift is because the easement typically results in a lower property value because the parcel's usefulness for commercial purposes is eliminated or drastically reduced. If you have clients who are involved in conservation easements or are considering using this planning vehicle, read more on our blog for professional advisors.  

IRS speaks out on cybersecurity

According to the American Bar Association’s 2019 Legal Tech Report, 26 percent of law firms experienced some type of security breach in 2018. Although only 3 percent of the law firms affected reported compromised client data, the risk is real. As virtual work environments have become the norm at many law firms, accounting firms, and financial advisory firms, the issue of cybersecurity has landed squarely on the Internal Revenue Service’s radar. Read more on our blog for professional advisors.





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