People eating food at neighborhood party
Blog, Community Connector
April 11, 2022
CFAAC Community Connector – April 2022


Message from our President & CEO
Damika Baker-Wilson Named 2022 LAA New Leader Honoree

Community Crisis Response Fund awards a total of $87,542 to 18 County Nonprofits

The Officer Grant Turner Memorial Scholarship Closes April 15

Anna E. Greenberg Board Leadership Event: The Board’s Role in Organizational Resilience
Donor Profile: The Unstoppable Anna Greenberg
Community Grants

AAEPC Education Event: Planning for Retirement
Celebrating the Secure Act 2.0
Cash Crunch: Gifting Non-income Producing Assets


It’s no secret that the pandemic’s effects have lingered in our county. That’s why the Community Foundation continues to support and focus on the critical needs of the county’s most vulnerable residents. This month, the Community Foundation’s Community Crisis Response Fund (CCRF) granted a total of $87,542 to 18 local nonprofits. To date, CFAAC has made 282 grants, totaling $1,709,692 in funding to 134 unique nonprofits providing direct relief during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more about CCRF’s impact in this newsletter.

Your Community Foundation wears many hats in addition to grantmaking, and one of them is as an educational resource for our fundholders, donors, and the community at large. A few of the things we offer are webinars, newsletters, our annual report, estate planning materials, and events – such as the Anna Greenberg Board Leadership event on May 14.

In addition, we have been publishing a series of informative monthly articles in The Capital, starting September 2021. The educational topics we have covered so far include:

Be on the lookout for these monthly columns in The Capital or on our website after they are published.
We are thrilled to announce that Leadership Anne Arundel has selected CFAAC’s Development Director, Damika Baker-Wilson, as a 2022 New Leader Honoree.
As always, if you would like to speak with a staff member about opening a fund, contributing to a cause you care about, or discussing your legacy and estate plans for charitable giving, please contact me at 410.280.1102 ext. 101 or email me at It is a privilege to work with you to support your philanthropic goals!

Happy Spring!

Mary Spencer
President & CEO

Damika Baker-Wilson Named 2022 LAA New Leader Honoree

We are proud to announce that CFAAC’s Development Director, Damika Baker-Wilson, is one of Leadership Anne Arundel’s (LAA) 2022 New Leader Honorees who will be recognized at the New Leaders Breakfast Celebration this month. Every year, LAA honors individuals who have stepped into new positions of leadership and show exceptional leadership in the past year for the betterment of Anne Arundel County. Honorees were nominated by LAA alumni and the community at large. This year, 2022 New Leader Honorees will be acknowledged at a breakfast event at Carrol's Creek Cafe on April 27, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For event details, visit


Community Crisis Response Fund awards a total of $87,542 to 18 County Nonprofits

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County’s Community Crisis Response Fund (CCRF) recently awarded $87,542 to 18 local nonprofits that serve the county’s most at-risk populations including seniors, children, low-income or food-insecure families, and the recently unemployed. To date, CFAAC has distributed 282 grants to 134 unique nonprofits totaling $1,709,692 through the Community Crisis Response Fund.

CFAAC will continue to raise money from Donor Advised Funds, individual donors, foundations, and local businesses for the CCRF. This latest grantmaking provided funding for organizations that provide human services and emergency assistance, as well as health/mental health and educational resources. CFAAC has made grants through the CCRF since the beginning of the pandemic, adapting and expanding the focus areas based on the needs of the community, and will continue for as long as funding is available. Grants are made to local nonprofit organizations that are addressing the increase in community needs and demand for services due to the pandemic.

“Our local nonprofits are providing very important programs and services to communities who were most impacted by the pandemic,” said CFAAC President and CEO Mary Spencer. “The Community Crisis Response Fund grants come at a critical time so these nonprofits can continue to offer our county residents the assistance they need such as access to food, transportation, healthcare, housing, and beneficial educational programs during this ongoing pandemic recovery process.”

Read more to see brief descriptions of the organizations and programs that were awarded grants from the Community Crisis Response Fund in 2022.


The Officer Grant Turner Memorial Scholarship Closes April 15

The Officer Grant Turner Memorial Scholarship Fund was established after Officer Grant Turner passed away to honor his love of baseball. The Fund Advisors host one of the largest preseason baseball tournaments in the state. Proceeds from the tournament are used to provide scholarships to students who meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • Graduating student-athlete from South River High School
  • Dependent of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department
  • Dependent of the Maryland Diamond/Anne Arundel County Umpires Association

Completed applications must be submitted by April 15, 2022. Additional criteria may apply.

Learn More & Apply Here


Anna E. Greenberg Board Leadership Event: The Board’s Role in Organizational Resilience

Date: May 14, 2022
Location: The Graduate Annapolis
Time: 8 a.m. to 12 noon
Presenters: Eliot Pfanstiehl & Monica Jeffries Hazangeles 

Many organizations are reeling from the pandemic’s effect on their operations and attempting to navigate the still-shifting sands underneath them. Having to exert such focus on recovery can divert attention away from important board basics, which must still be tended so as not to lose ground. This conversation will surface best practices of nonprofit boards in steady-state operations as well as explore how the role of the board may be different when the organization is emerging from a crisis. Our facilitators will discuss common board building-blocks that support organizational resilience as well as address your specific challenges and questions.

This event is for nonprofit executives, fund development professionals, and board members. Coffee and Continental Breakfast will be provided.

Registration is required and limited to 60 participants. Please contact Damika Baker-Wilson, Director of Development, with questions at

Learn More & Register Here

Donor Profile: The Unstoppable Anna Greenberg

Anna Greenberg has traveled and lived all over the world but fortunately for Anne Arundel County residents, she has always called Annapolis her home. Fortunately, because when the Annapolis native sees a need in the community, she takes action. 

“I’ve been involved in every community that I’ve ever lived in,” said Anna, who served on the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC)’s Board from 2009-2015 and was CFAAC's Volunteer of the Year in 2017. “I love Annapolis and I am proud to call it my home.”

To Anna, joining CFAAC’s board was a way to get involved locally and learn more about the community’s hardships. “Annapolis is not only a beautiful, charming town, but as with any community, there are needs,” she said. “And there are dire needs that are only being met by the Community Foundation. It gives me a good feeling being involved with them. No matter what I give, I get back that much more. It’s a tremendous satisfaction that I am helping others. The Community Foundation touches everyone. It’s a wonderful resource.” Read more.

Community Grants

IMPACT100 Announces 2022 Grant Applications

IMPACT100 will hold a virtual grant brainstorming workshop for nonprofits to learn and share ideas for writing a compelling and transformative grant request on Tuesday, April 12th at 5:00 pm.

Learn more about this organization and previous grantees on their website. To RSVP for the workshop, email


AAEPC May Education Event | Planning for Retirement

Save the date to join the Anne Arundel Estate Planning Council (AAEPC) for an informative presentation on Planning for Retirement. Learn more about AAEPC and the event here. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Annapolis Waterfront Hotel

Celebrating the Secure Act 2.0

Across the board, individuals, employers, and charitable organizations are celebrating the recent passage of the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022. The legislation is headed to the Senate (which has its own, similar version of the legislation) before it becomes law. Building on 2019 legislation known as the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, among SECURE 2.0's many components is a provision that would allow taxpayers to make a one-time qualified charitable distribution of up to $50,000 from an IRA to a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity. Read more on our blog for professional advisors.

Cash Crunch: Gifting Non-income Producing Assets

For clients who rely on fixed-income assets, such as bonds, as well as wages, to cover their living expenses, the inflation pinch may mean fewer dollars available for charitable giving. However, for clients who own property, stocks, and other assets that tend to go up in value in an inflationary environment, now may be a good time to take advantage of tax-savvy giving of highly-appreciated assets – especially stocks that pay low – or no – dividends and therefore are not critical to maintaining a client's income levels.

Giving highly-appreciated stock remains one of the most effective ways your clients can support their favorite charities. That’s because when a taxpayer gives stock to a public charity, such as a donor advised fund at the Community Foundation, instead of selling it outright, the capital gains tax is avoided. Plus, marketable securities are typically deductible at their fair market value, further helping your client’s overall income tax situation. Read more on our blog for professional advisors.


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