The odds of President-elect Biden’s proposed tax plan becoming law depend on factors that won’t be known until Georgia’s run-off elections on January 5, which will decide whether the Democrats or the Republicans will control the United States Senate.
This uncertainty prevents advisors from having confidence about advising clients whether to implement planning strategies that would take advantage of the potential window of opportunity at the end of 2020, before new laws take effect. Should clients act now, betting that significant changes to the tax law are in store for 2021? Or should they hold off on taking action now but potentially trigger significant tax hits if tax laws do wind up changing?
Despite the uncertainty about what might happen with the tax laws in 2021 and beyond, there are still opportunities for you to advise your charitable clients with conviction that they are doing the right thing for themselves and for the causes they care about. To that end, keep in mind that the CARES Act includes charitable giving incentives for 2020:
As always, remember that the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) can help you develop your clients’ future plans. A Donor Advised Fund is a powerful estate planning tool. A client can execute wills and trusts that leave a specific bequest or remainder interest to a Donor Advised Fund at CFAAC. This bequest triggers all the tax benefits of a direct bequest to a charity because CFAAC, and therefore the Donor Advised Fund, qualifies as a 501(c)(3) organization.
Here are three key takeaways:
Please contact our team for assistance with the proper language for designating a Donor Advised Fund at CFAAC as a bequest recipient. Our team also will work with you on the terms of the Donor Advised Fund itself. For example:
Your team at CFAAC is always happy to help. Please contact our Development Department at 410.280.1102 x102 or via email at We look forward to hearing from you and wish you all the best for the season.