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Advisor Blog
July 5, 2022
QCD enhancements: Steps forward and fingers crossed

A recent flurry of activity in the Senate has inched forward the legislation known as SECURE 2.0. Philanthropists and their advisors are watching this legislation closely because of the proposed inclusion of provisions that would adjust the annual $100,000 Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) cap for inflation and allow a one-time, $50,000 QCD to a charitable remainder trust or other split-interest gift. It’s impossible to predict what might happen when the House and Senate bills are combined and reconciled and then brought to a final vote. Some say that the legislation will pass late this year, the QCD enhancements will make it into the final bill, and the legislation will be signed into law later this year. Our fingers are crossed, as no doubt yours are as well, because we are huge fans of the QCD and its ability to unlock charitable dollars. As always, we are here to help answer any questions regarding QCDs and charitable contributions. Please feel free to call us at 410.280.1102 or email at


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