People eating food at neighborhood party
October 23, 2018
Message from Mary Spencer, President & CEO

Greetings from the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County! I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the many donors, nonprofit professional colleagues, and nonprofit board members and volunteers for the warm welcome that you have extended to me as the new President and CEO. With eight weeks under my belt, I couldn't be more proud or more excited to have the honor of serving Anne Arundel County in this new role. 

I am happy to report that the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) is on strong organizational and financial footing, thanks to the leadership of my predecessor Melissa Curtin, a staff team whose dedication is unparalleled in support of Anne Arundel County, and a Board who exemplifies fiscal responsibility, collaborative partnership, and careful stewardship of our Community Foundation. 

Since my first day on the job, I have been asked to explain what a Community Foundation "does". Frankly, the scope of our work is so varied and far-reaching that it can be hard to describe in the time it would take to ride the elevator to the 20th floor. And, don't we all try to nail down that elevator speech! Our mission is to inspire and promote giving in Anne Arundel County by connecting people who care with causes that matter.  Put simply, what we "do" can be described using three simple words: Care. Connect. Contribute. Whether you are a donor, a nonprofit, a volunteer, or a community leader, we serve as your advocate.


  • We care about donors and are committed to inspiring and promoting philanthropy.
  • We care about identifying critical needs in our community and the important programs and services offered through the work of our county's nonprofits.


  • We connect donors to nonprofits that focus on programs and projects that are meaningful to the donor.
  • We connect nonprofits with financial and educational resources to help fulfill their mission and build their organizational capacity.


  • We contribute to the health of our community by facilitating the grant-making process between donors and nonprofits so that donors can contribute to the causes they care about most.
  • We contribute strategic resources and provide community leadership as we increase awareness and foster dialogue, partnerships, and collaboration around critical community issues. 

Anne Arundel County donors, nonprofit organizations, nonprofit professionals, and nonprofit volunteers are uniquely and irreversibly connected to each other. We are all stronger when we unite together to serve our community. CFAAC recognizes the power of philanthropy to transform lives and we believe that is what we do every day. 


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