People eating food at neighborhood party
December 7, 2021
End-of-Year Deadlines for Grants & Contributions

On behalf of the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County and the nonprofits you support, we appreciate your generosity and support of our community in 2021. CFAAC works to ensure that your donations make the greatest impact on the causes you care about while maximizing your tax-saving benefits. With that in mind, and so we can provide the best service and ensure your charitable gifts qualify for a 2021 IRS tax deduction, please keep the following dates in mind:  

  • Gifts of appreciated stock should be initiated by December 17, 2021 to ensure processing by the 2021 transfer deadline. (Note: Please notify CFAAC of the approximate number of shares and name of the company in advance. Shares received to CFAAC's ownership prior to the close of business on December 31st, even if not sold until 2022, can be claimed as a tax deduction for 2021.) The stock market is closed on Friday, Dec. 24th and closes early, at 2pm, on New Year's Eve. Read more about the benefits of donating stock.
  • Wire transfers should be initiated by December 22, 2021. Please email if you need wiring and/or stock delivery information.
  • Cash donations must be completed by noon on December 30, 2021.
  • Credit card donations must be completed via our website by 11:59 pm on December 31, 2021.
  • Checks must be postmarked by December 31, 2021.
  • New funds may be opened immediately (during business hours) upon receipt of both a fully executed fund agreement and a cash or non-cash donation. Email for more information about setting up a fund.

CFAAC Fund Holder grant requests should be made by December 10, 2021, to ensure the nonprofit can receive the grant funds by the end of the year. Fund holders can submit the request via your account at this link, or by sending an email to

Our offices will be closed for the holidays on December 24th - 27th, and December 31st. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!


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