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Anna E. Greenberg Symposium-Strengthening Board Leadership: Recruitment, Retention & Engagement

April 28 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm


This education session delves into the key elements that contribute to building and maintaining a successful board. It explores the ideal makeup of a board, emphasizing the importance of diversity, skills, and alignment with the organization’s goals. Participants will learn how to make informed decisions about recruiting board members, ensuring a strong fit for leadership and decision-making. The session also highlights the board’s critical role in fundraising and the development of clear, appropriate job descriptions for board members, helping define their roles and responsibilities.

Strategies for keeping engaged members active after their term ends, as well as involving emeritus members, will be discussed, with a focus on maintaining their connection to the organization. The session also covers best practices for recruiting a capable board chair and managing ineffective members, including the delicate process of encouraging them to roll off the board. To offer practical insights, a panel of current nonprofit board members will share their firsthand experiences with recruiting, providing valuable lessons and perspectives for attendees.



Nadine Chien, Ph.D., Esq.
Board of Trustees
Anne Arundel Community College

Christopher B. Nelson
Board of Trustees
Anne Arundel Public Library

Scott McRoy
Luminus Health Anne Arundel
Medical Center Foundation Board

Deborah Mayer
most recent
Past Board President
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts

Lunch is included in the $25 cost. 



April 28
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library
1410 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401 United States
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