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Planning for a sunset: Lock in a higher exemption, unlock a legacy

If it feels like the topic of the estate tax exemption sunset is heating up, you are right. More and more of your clients are becoming aware of the change in the law that is slated to occur at the end of 2025 unless legislation intervenes. Be sure you know the basics about how this change could impact your clients, including the ways charitable giving and the Community Foundation can fit into smart planning.

Mixing Business and Charity: Keep it ethical, legal, and transparent

“Doing well by doing good” is a popular notion in corporate giving programs. Many of your clients may be in positions to influence corporate giving strategies. The Community Foundation can support you as you advise clients about avoiding tax pitfalls and conflicts of interest as clients and their work colleagues create charitable giving strategies that align with business purposes.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock: Picking Favorites

You’re well aware that donating highly-appreciated stock to a fund at the Community Foundation offers significant advantages for your clients over making cash gifts. Communicating this benefit, however, can be challenging when clients have emotional attachments to their shares. How can you overcome this hurdle and help optimize your clients' charitable giving strategies?

Don’t Forget: Companies Need Philanthropic Advice, Too

Addressing your clients’ corporate giving needs alongside their individual and family philanthropy priorities is sometimes an overlooked component of estate and financial planning. The Community Foundation can help.
